Being on SSDI can bring troubling times, mainly because you have identified that you can no longer work in your designated career path. This also comes with other troubles in finances, the average person on SSDI makes under $1,300 a month and are told that they can no longer work.

  If you choose to work in any capacity, you are limited on how much you can earn monthly and annually. They claim to give you opportunity in the return-to-work program, but there are serious limitations in that program.

  While they claim this is to help us, my question is how? Are they helping us stay in poverty? That can’t be true, can it? I have a hard time believing this program is currently made to help the disable when it restricts the individuals over all abilities to provide for themselves and their family.

    I personally feel they are creating dependents and encourage individuals not to better themselves. They use fear of prosecution and financial stability to maintain your compliance. I personally can not stand behind and endorse this action.

  I also feel if they truly cared, they would have raised the benefits to current living wages. Can you afford to live on $1,300 a month? How is a disabled person supposed to? How are they to afford for their medical, their food, transportation, or shelter? I guess the individual really should learn to prioritize their finances, right? That is a careless response when you look at facts. I could continue the topic on, “the downfalls of SSDI in today’s world”; but that is not what this article is about.

  TIAT found a solution for people on SSDI to receive additional money by being a member of our Affiliate Marketing Platform. So, you should take advantage of this Platform before the government tells you that you can’t do this either. It can help you increase your income to a livable amount. It can help you find a new career path in networking and marketing. You do not need any formal education. You do not need to have a company. IT’S LEGAL AND FREE!

  Did you know, you can be compensated royalties as an Affiliate Marketer while on Social Security Disability, and it will not impact your benefits? I am not talking about the return-to-work program either.

  Let me explain, SSDI looks for what they call SGA (Substantial Gainful Activity). If you earn more than $1,350 monthly consecutively, these are considered SGA. Here you can see the SSA definitions for SGA and earned income. Allow me to summarize:

  Wages are the first thing on their list, and it even comes with 3 sections. General definition of this category, any form of payment by an employer to an employee. We wipe these sections out because Affiliate Marketers are not employees of the Company on the TIAT Platform.

  Next is net earnings from self-employment. While this tends to be the general concern from SSDI recipients. Let me assure you there is nothing to worry about and we are going to touch base on this later.

  Next, they discuss tax returns and in a nutshell it depicts. General Tax returns are not able to be considered as earned income. Tax Credits on the other hand can be, and in most cases are deemed as earned income. Company tax returns are!!! Profit Sharing is!!! Holdings can also count against you. Do not do this as a company unless you have a high level of experience in Business Law, Corporate Compliance, Tax Law, Social Securities Law, basically you better be one sharp individual. I do not suggest anyone on SSDI to join as a Company, it will impact your SSDI benefits.

  Another side note: Tax Laws changes state to state, I strongly advice speaking with a local Tax professional to confirm how this article and platform can pertain to you. This is also not to be taken as legal advice; if you have questions or concerns about your SSDI eligibility, contact your SSDI attorney. They will let you know everything you need to know.

  Moving on, they discuss funds received basically through non-profit organizations, community programs, and this section does not pertain to TIAT at all.

  Overall, we have passed 100% on the topic, can you be an Affiliate Marketer and receive royalties while on SSDI? This last section is where we ended up needing to do more digging. This section discusses royalties and honoraria. Where honoraria’s do not apply, royalties do.

  Royalty Income is defined as compensation paid, for the use of one property, like copyrighted material which could include music, articles, books, art, or videos, etc. With a percentage of sales paid as a royalty payment.

  Let me give you an example, let’s say you make a Youtube video about how to sue a button. In your video you say, “check out Take It Away Tom! and be sure to sign up with my link or Affiliate code below”. You have now published copyrighted material for free, with no employer, and no real strings attached. You have planted your seed. Now let’s say someone joined TIAT’s Platform.

  Let’s start with what we know, TIAT will compensate .5% for every successful transaction of Affiliated Users. Meaning, only your referrals. We know you are not an employee. We know you did not do this as a company. We also know, we did not pay you to publish your material.

  Let’s talk about what we don’t know. We don’t know what will come of your video. We do not know how many users will sign up because of it. We do not know how much each user will spend in transactions on TIAT. Really, there are no guarantees. The Affiliate doesn’t even know a person signed up under their Affiliate code until after their first purchase. The unknown possibilities are endless.

  One thing that is certain is, if you get people to sign up to the platform and use it. You will get paid in royalties.

  Now let’s circle back to the topic from above about earned income. This is where most people have their concerns. What happens if your royalties exceed the income limits set by Social Security Administration? In General, SSA defines royalties as unearned income. This means that they will not count this income against your income limits. As they are unforeseen, cannot be depended on, and come in undetermined amounts, at undetermined times.

  Here is the catch about royalties, royalties earned as a part of a trade or business, or that come from compensated publish work is counted as earned income. Meaning do not get paid to write the article. Write the article and then get paid in royalties. It is really that simple.

  While you will still be required to report and pay the taxes on the funds you receive. Nothing stands in the way of any disabled person from entering an Affiliate Marketing Platform that works for them.

  I found the “Social Security Disability Advocates” to have been a great resource. Here is where you can find out more about them . All other information was directly collected from the IRS website at , as well as the SSA website at!SearchView&query=&searchorder=1&start=1&count=500 .

  I hope this was helpful, until the next time.